Research Projects
Here’s an archive of current and previous research projects
Please get in touch with me at if you want to chat about any of them!
Sing From Your Seat (2019)
A collaboration with University of York, following on from the Fellowship and SINGS-VR projects, to capture outdoor singing in virtual reality for use in care homes and with people who couldn’t otherwise access wild singing.
Mind the Gap! (2018)
How do musicians sustain successful careers in an ever-changing music industry which has had its economic value radically disrupted by the internet? This project is collecting the stories of musicians who have managed to make successful careers for themselves through a 'portfolio' career, often involving performing, teaching, composing and other work.
Group Singing as Healthy Public (2018-19)
Research project undertaken with Sensemaker distributed ethnography into the value of group singing as a resource for the development of a healthy public.
Fellowship of Hill and Wind and Sunshine (2018)
A project with the National Trust, University of York and Mouthful in summer 2018, taking groups of singers onto Lake District summits to sing a song cycle commemorating the gift of land by a group of mountaineers to The National Trust in 1923. Capturing the resulting performances in virtual reality for installation in Keswick Museum, and using Sensemaker as the methodology for evaluating the project.
SINGS-VR (2017-18)
(Simulating Inclusive Natural Group Singing in Virtual Reality)
A collaborative project with York University, to capture a virtual experience of choir singing, with the goal of demonstrating marked improvements in health and well-being. Data pertaining to the physiological and emotional benefits of community singing is being collected at Sing Owt! and Voicebeat sessions. VR simulations will be benchmarked against this data to assess the potential of the technology and establish firm directions for research.
Music in Three Dimensions (2016)
Doctoral thesis, developing an argument that a holistic understanding of music’s potential recognises the creative and productive tension between aesthetic and participatory traditions of music making which give rise to paramusical outcomes.
Music Lab (2011-13)
An action research project delivered by Sage Gateshead, and funded by the National Endowment for Science and Technology and the Arts (NESTA), to explore the possible mutual learning between approaches to Science and Music education, in the hope of better understanding what makes learning engaging for KS3 students in STEM subjects. The form of their investigations took very different forms, from exploring the notion of ‘performing’ Science through to working with Science teachers to actually perform music as a steel pan ensemble.